German language breakfast
Would you like to improve your German or help others? Here you will be able to socialize with other German language learners, have breakfast, and meet new people. It is for all those who want to improve and practice language skills and all those who want to help others do so, all in a nice and relaxed atmosphere. Please register with an email to
Please also bring something for breakfast. Bread rolls, coffee and tea will be provided.
Every fourth Sunday of the month, always 10:00-12:00!
Next dates:
- 22 December 2024
- 26 January 2025
- 23 February 2025
- 23 March 2025
City/Nature & Countryside/Economy
Nature in the countryside, culture in the city? We invite you to approach natural spaces in and around Berlin in a variety of ways, to get to know them better and to exchange ideas about ways to protect them: in discussion and discussion evenings with experts from (urban) ecology and agriculture, in artistic-practical writing and photography workshops, at joint cooking evenings, as part of a children's project and much more. Our events at various locations in Berlin are open to people of all ages and backgrounds and are free of charge. Many thanks to the Postcode Lottery Foundation for the funding in 2024!
Learning for life (Lernen fürs Leben)
In this three-year project we accompany young people up from the 9th grade throughout the school year: in preparation for their exams, when looking for an internship or apprenticeship, in the search for a suitable career path and in dealing with their own talents and interests. At the same time we provide them with personal coaching and experiential educational excursions or events, providing opportunities to get to know themselves better and to gain experience.
I Am Here!
„Ich Bin Hier!“ was a project, driven by Die Lernwerkstatt and our partner organizations Loesje e.V. and SanaD e.V.. The project targeted young people between 6 and 18 years who have an interest in media & culture.
Education Assistance
Our „Lernbegleitung“ is a school accompanying project. In small groups of maximum 7 students we will go through the weekly school topics in a playful and active learning environment. The focus does not lie on grades but in the assistance of the individual learning process.
Math x Art Project
The goal of this project is to develop learning formats for workshops and schools which combine natural sciences and art. We want to provide a playful and vivid access to the seemingly dry and unpopular „subjects“ math and natural sciences.
Self-Directed Education
In these irregularly occuring meetints we discuss the following topics:
- What does Self-Directed Education mean? And what about Unschooling, Homeschooling, Home Education, Democratic Schools and other alternatives?
- What conditions for Self-Directed Education do we have here in Germany?
- How are SDE-Families in Germany connected?
- Where can I find help and advice for my individual situation?
Expert Workshops
Already for the third year in succession (state 2021) we develop projects with students of the 3rd and 4th grade of the Kiefholz Elementary School. Topics such as music instruments out of recycling materials, a self-invented card game and raised beds on the school premises were covered in the past. The workshops aim at young people who have fun to explore and learn. Currently all projects are moved to an online format.